Sunday, October 4, 2009

9 months!

Well I figure before Hannah turns 10 months in 6 days I better blog about her 9th month of life.
Its been kinda busy.....
So, Hannah turned 9 months on 9/10/09, which happened to be her mother's 29Th birthday. So we celebrated together.
Hannah went to the Dr. for her 9 month check, and she is doing great! She weighs 15 lbs 5 ounces, and is 26 3/4 inches tall. She is getting big, however still a tiny peanut compared to the growth charts. The Dr. actually wants me to take her back this month for wt. recheck because she has taken a dip in her growth curve. I personally think this is silly, I know she is just so active she burns her calories as fast as she eats them. Hannah is just as busy as ever, and so independent. She will play for hours by herself, moving from toy to toy. She will come to me when she is tired or hungry, but that's it. She really loves to be on her own exploring. This month she started going from a sitting position, to standing without pulling up on anything. It was so funny the first time she did it. She kind of surprised herself, and didn't know what to do next.
Hannah still eats everything we give her. We introduced meat to her diet this month, and she loves it. We even gave her some salmon and she gobbled it right up.
She also learned some new tricks this month. She learned to clap and play peek-a-boo, which is so fun.
Hannah is becoming more vocal, more noises coming out of her mouth. Lots of mmmmm and aaahhhhh. She's got dadada down, but still working on mamama. She really is more interested in moving that talking, and thats ok.
She is still the happiest little baby, and I am grateful for each day with her.
Enjoy the pics.

Playing peek-a-boo

9 month check, waiting for the Dr.
I adore these two!!
The End