Thursday, September 24, 2009

First Day of School

So the summer officially ended on 9/14 and Gracie started preschool. We kept telling her about it a few weeks before and she was getting excited to go and play with Isabel, her friend who is in her class. The first day she was ok, until I was telling her bye, and then she started to cry. It took all my energy to NOT cry then and there in front of her. So I left her, got in the car and just sobbed. I just could not believe my little baby was in school, and not going to be home with me. It did make me feel a TON better that she is at the same school her Daddy teaches, and her Auntie teaches. I know she was going to be well looked after, just the thought of her not being home, made me sad. Well I got over that quickly after I realized how well Miss Hannah sleeps with her older sister out of the house, and how much I can get done in those 4 short hours she is gone. So she is going Mon and Wed from 8-12, comes home eats lunch, and is exhausted and ready for a nap.
Enjoy the pics.

Packed up and ready to go. Peek a boo Hannah.

Walking with Daddy to her class, gotta love the backpack.

Cutest preschooler ever!!

Isabel and Gracie


Saying goodbye. =(

Promising her a root beer float after.
Happy girl with her root beer float!


Julie Brazelton said...

So adorable! I know about the sleeping. I get home from dropping Carter off put Landon to sleep and clean. laundry and relax. Then Carter gets homes, eats lunch and they both go down for a nap together at 2! There growing up so fast!