Saturday, December 12, 2009

1 year!!!

Finally got around to blogging about Hannah's 12th month of life. Having a December birthday in the family is quite hectic. Anyway, now that it is January and the Holidays are over :(, I can blog about my children again.
Hannah turned 1 year on 12/10/09, and what a fantastic day it was. It was a Thursday, so we went to my Beth Moore bible study as usual, had some lunch, and took a nap. Auntie Robin came over to eat dinner with us and then we all had some yummy red velvet cupcakes to celebrate the birthday girl. Later on Uncle Chris and Teta and Gung Gung stopped by to say hello to the birthday girl before she went to sleep. I had gone the entire day with out shedding a tear until I rocked her to sleep that night. I just sat there wondering where the year had gone, and that I now have 2 toddlers who will never be babies again. They were only getting bigger and bigger and bigger, and so very fast. I just held her soaking up the moment as long as I could. I was also very sad that my mom was not there to celebrate her birthday with us. Just like Gracie, I wish so badly she could meet my little Hannah. I wish she could be here to give me advice, laugh with me, and cry with me. As much as I miss her and wish she was here, God has given me so many wonderful people in my life to share these girls with. I don't think I would have made it with out my amazing Aunt Sharon and my mom in law, Lillian. They are the best mothers I know, and are such great examples to me and how I want to be as a mom. They both have laughed and cried with me, and I know they will many times more. They have given me wonderful advice and best of all they are AMAZING with my two baby girls. Thank you God for both of them!!
Very bittersweet for me. I was a little sad she was one already, no longer a baby. However, I am more happy this time around. Her being one means she can eat everything Gracie eats, and for the most part be on the same schedule. She is in the process of dropping her morning nap, which I can't wait for to happen, so I can take them both out for the entire morning, and not have to worry to get Hannah a good morning nap.
This entire year just flew by, almost feels like time flew by me while I watched, its really hard to explain. This last year has been one of the hardest of my life. I have never been so sleep deprived. Having a baby that doesn't like to sleep and is a light sleeper is fine, I can deal with that, but when adding working the nightshift to that, makes for one tired mommy. There were days I would just cry I was so tired. But, with Hannah turning one, she is sleeping much better these days, only waking up 1-2 times a night.
At her 1 year check up she weighed 17 lbs 3 ounces and is 28 inches long.
The Dr. asked "is she pulling up to stand yet?", I just laughed and said yes...she is actually running! Which is true, she runs, climbs, jumps from the moment she wakes up till she goes to sleep. This girl has so much energy, I feel like I have aged 5 years just running after her. The girl does not stop.
I told the Dr. that she has been gaging herself lately, so we are trying out Zantac for reflux for a couple months. Not sure if thats what she has, but we are gonna see what happens.
Its quite a challenge to get the med down her bc, it tastes gross, and she has to have an empty stomach to take it. HAHA! This girl never has an empty stomach. She is eating all the time. She burns her calories as fast as she consumes them.
Hannah also added "please" and "thank you" to her vocabulary this month. She is so polite... :)
We started giving her whole milk this month, which is great for while Im at work, and she needs a bottle before bed from Daddy. She loves it!! She loves nursing more, but it will do on the nights Im at work. I think thats it for this month!
Looking forward to the adventures of having 2 toddlers!


Megan said...

Great post! I am SO GLAD I'm not the only one who got emotional when their baby(s) turned ONE! It's just sad that you are saying goodbye to the "baby" and they'll NEVER be a baby again. I think what made it so hard for me was bc of how fast it went by. I felt like I was always running and chasing down moments and time saying "please stop! Just slow down!" So great she is starting to drop her morning nap, we too are hoping for that for the twins soon. I know what you mean about being to tired you just cry. I was literally like for the first 6 months. I was physically and mentally exhausted from having two babies who didn't sleep well. In the past few months I have really started to feel like I'm actually getting some decent sleep. Although neither are sleeping COMPLETELY through the night yet. I don't even know what that would be like :) I can't believe she is 13 months in a few days! I feel like my twins just turned 1 and now they are 15 months! HOW???? Well, again, I enjoyed reading this post and look fwd to the next one! Cute background too!

Dan and Sam said...

Thanks so much! We need to start a support group or something! LOL!!! We also need to get these kids together to play!!

Megan said...

Yes! Let's set a date! What if you and Dan, me and Randy, Courtney and Kyle and Sue and Taffy all do dinner? We could each bring something. Who's house is biggest to fit all of us? LOL! Does that sounds fun? Let's really try to make it happen! We still have Hannah's gift!

Megan said...

oh I love this layout too!

So funny you said that bc we secretly love him cuddling w/ us too!

Ok, next week lets ALL do dinner! Seriously. We can all bring something? It would be so fun and to see all the kids together!