Saturday, November 21, 2009

11 months

Hannah turned 11 months on the 10th and is going to be 1 year in a couple of weeks. AAAAH! She has grown so much in the last month. She is really starting to show her personality. She is the happiest little girl, just laughing and playing all day long. She is still nonstop, always on the go. Walking EVERYWHERE exploring the house. She loves climbing the stairs, and will dance the second she hears music. If you tell her to dance she will start shaking her head, its soooo funny. She started blowing kisses and giving nice wet kisses if you ask for them. She will put the phone to her ear and start talking. She tries to put everyone's shoes on. And she is starting to show a great love for her dada. Every night when he comes home from work, she hears the door open and goes running yelling dada dada, throws her arms up to him and rest's her head on his shoulder. It really is the sweetest thing. And I know Dan just loves it. She loves flipping through books, and loves to play in the bath with Gracie. She has also discovered the toilets this month. The other day, Gracie was going potty, and Hannah just came walking in and threw a wooden spoon in the potty while G was on it, and me standing right there. That girl is quick!
One thing we have learned about Hannah is that she hates being thrown up in the air. This came as a surprise to us because she is so fearless. But, sure enough, if anyone tries to throw her up in the air, she get this look of terror on her face and starts crying. I love it, because thats how God made her.
She is also talking so much, and started saying more words this month. She says...
hi (when she is on the phone)
gog (dog)
woof (when she sees the dog)
see (Gracie or maybe it's sissy)

I am sure I am forgetting more she is doing, but this is good for now. I really just love this age. Watching her learn how things work, and learning to talk is just so fun to be apart of.

This face!!!!!!

That hair! LOL!
Taking over the Irvine Spectrum.
So looks like her Daddy in this pic.


Megan said...

I can not believe she is going to be 1!!!!!!! I feel lik you just had her! And I feel like my twins just turned 1!! Cute pics! She really does look like Dan!