Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Gracie's Golden Birthday!

I know it may seem I have forgotten about my oldest child, but I haven't.
So on October 3rd Gracie had her 3rd Birthday. We had a wonderful day! We took her to see Toy Story 3D in the movie theater. It was her first movie in the theater and she thought it was the best thing. She didn't want to keep her 3D glasses on, but it really didn't matter anyway. She is really into Toy Story right now so it was perfect that it was in the movies. After that we ate lunch, went home for a nap, and the had our family for dinner, cake and rock band. Gracie had a blast. She loves having people over at her house, and she loves to sing to rock band. It was a low key day, but was just perfect for her special day.
Well Miss Gracie is just growing fast before our very eyes. It seems like Dan and I are always saying, "look how big she is". As our first born we just can't believe that she is our little girl, and is turning into such a big girl so quickly. Everyday we realize that she is not going to be little for long, and we just savor the moments.

Gracie has learned so much in the last year. She knows countless words, knows all her shapes, colors, and letters. And now thanks to preschool she is learning the sounds of the letters. She walks around the house saying, "Mama, pa pa p for popcorn, and ba ba b for baby."
She is also learning to pray, and her teachers tell me she says, "Dear God, thank you for MY baby Hannah." Just melts my heart. She prays all the time for us at home, before each meal. We usually can't understand what she is saying because she usually mumbles it, but God hears every word.

Gracie is so fun because she is so girly right now. She loves putting on Mama's lip gloss, wearing her princess slippers, having her nails painted, wearing pretty clothes and shoes, and she freaks out when she see's any type of insect. The other day she cried because she saw a cricket in the bathroom. She very much a girl, however does not play with dolls or stuffed animals, and could really give or take the Disney princess'. I'm not really too surprised, I never was into dolls either. She is really starting to show her athleticism too. She can throw a ball insanely well and far, and she can hit a ball with a bat well too, which is so fun. She loves to run and jump, and most of all she loves to play with her sister. The way she has embraced her little sister bring pure joy to my hear. I could not have asked for a better older sister for Hannah. Gracie is loving, kind and so gentle with her. She really loves her. She is also a huge help in taking care of Hannah. I really could go on and on about her. She really is my pride and joy. I really don't deserve such an awesome kid. I am so grateful that God has blessed our lives with her.
At her 3 year Dr. check Gracie weighs 31.6 lbs (50th percentile) and is 361/2 inches (45th percentile). Almost tall enough to go on more rides at Disneyland.
Enjoy the pics.
Newborn baby Gracie
I could not believe she was mine!
In complete shock....haha
It's a GIRL!! The best surprise EVER!!!
And now so beautiful!!
Playing with her Sissy
Getting ready for her Birthday!
Birthday Muffin
First Movie!
Could not believe her eyes! A huge TV!!
Our baby girl is 3 today!
Daddy's girl!
Oma and Pop! Sadly I didn't get pictures with her Teta and Gung Gung. I need to hire a photographer...
Playing with her bestie! Isabel!

Gracie's frist school picture.
Here are some of Gracie's favorites at the moment.
Favorite color: pink
Favorite activity: playing puzzles
Favorite food: I'm guessing pizza
Favorite thing to wear: shoes
Favorite book: Minnie's Rainbow
Favorite comfort item: white blankie
Favorite tv show: Mickey Mouse Club House
Favorite movie: toss between Horton Hears a Who and Toy Story
Favorite part about school: singing and dancing
Favorite ride at Disneyland: Dumbo
I can't think of anything else
The End

Saturday, October 10, 2009

10 Months!!!

Hannah turned 10 months on the 10th day of October (10th month of the year), crazy! Anyway
I can't believe my little Hanner is gonna be 1 year in just 2 months!!
Well this has been a busy month for the little one. She is still VERY active, always moving, exploring, never wants to sit still, not even for a quick diaper change. You have to literally pin her down to get her dressed. She is nonstop from the moment she wakes up.

THE BIG news is that Hannah took her first step on 9/21!! I was so happy to have been there to see her take her first leap of faith!! She fell right away, but got right back up and tried again. She takes up to 4 steps, then falls right on her face or tush, but she is trying. She also realizes she gets places faster crawling, so sometimes she is not too interested in walking. I am so ready for her to be walking. Her poor little knees are getting rough from crawling. I think by the end of the month she will be walking. At least I hope so.
She has finally mastered saying Mama!! She usually says it when she's eating, so I think she is trying to tell me "more Mama".
LOTS of noises come out of her mouth, and screams. She is trying to form words. She's almost got book and ball down. We are working on them. Language came so easy for Gracie, she was talking actual words at 8 months, Hannah is more interested in moving and trying to walk. I love how God makes them different. How boring would that be if they all were the same??
Hannah's personality is really starting to shine through this month, and boy is she a feisty one. If Gracie or I take away something she is playing with or not supposed to be playing with, she screams and waves her arms up and down. Just the other day she was holding a fork and eating her peaches, so I decided to show her how to use the fork, OH DEAR, she wanted nothing of the sort. The look she gave me said, "Don't touch my fork!" along with the scream she gave me. I realized right then that this child might be challenging in years to come. All I can do is pray, for her and me. Don't get me wrong, she still is very smiley, happy and so sweet, just starting to test her limits, a little earlier than expected.
Hannah is still a bottomless pit. She eats anything you put in front of her. She does not like to be fed anymore, she likes to do it herself. Sometimes I can get her to take some applesauce or yogurt from me, but she is totally eating just table food now. I hope she is getting enough, seems like half of it ends up on the floor and the dogs just eat it. (the best part of having the dogs) She has also figured out how to feed the dogs and gets a giggle out of that. The dogs just love mealtimes. Hannah's favorite food at the moment are cut up peaches in those togo cups. Blueberries are probably her favorite, but I can't find any around at the moment. Anyway, when I bring those peaches out of the pantry she just stares at them, saying Mama Mama Mama, and inhales them when I put them on the table.
Hannah still has no teeth, but I think the bottom two are coming in at the same time, and will be here soon.
Lastly,Hannah has also learned some new tricks this month. She can give high-five and wave hi and bye-bye. SO FUN watching her learn and grow. Thank you Lord for my little girls!!!

Hannah trying to walk
pretty girl
Playing with her cousin Connor
Love this picture!
10 months today! Too bad my finger was in the way of the flash.

Mama left the yogurt a little too close.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

9 months!

Well I figure before Hannah turns 10 months in 6 days I better blog about her 9th month of life.
Its been kinda busy.....
So, Hannah turned 9 months on 9/10/09, which happened to be her mother's 29Th birthday. So we celebrated together.
Hannah went to the Dr. for her 9 month check, and she is doing great! She weighs 15 lbs 5 ounces, and is 26 3/4 inches tall. She is getting big, however still a tiny peanut compared to the growth charts. The Dr. actually wants me to take her back this month for wt. recheck because she has taken a dip in her growth curve. I personally think this is silly, I know she is just so active she burns her calories as fast as she eats them. Hannah is just as busy as ever, and so independent. She will play for hours by herself, moving from toy to toy. She will come to me when she is tired or hungry, but that's it. She really loves to be on her own exploring. This month she started going from a sitting position, to standing without pulling up on anything. It was so funny the first time she did it. She kind of surprised herself, and didn't know what to do next.
Hannah still eats everything we give her. We introduced meat to her diet this month, and she loves it. We even gave her some salmon and she gobbled it right up.
She also learned some new tricks this month. She learned to clap and play peek-a-boo, which is so fun.
Hannah is becoming more vocal, more noises coming out of her mouth. Lots of mmmmm and aaahhhhh. She's got dadada down, but still working on mamama. She really is more interested in moving that talking, and thats ok.
She is still the happiest little baby, and I am grateful for each day with her.
Enjoy the pics.

Playing peek-a-boo

9 month check, waiting for the Dr.
I adore these two!!
The End