Sweet little Hannah turned 2 years on December 10th 2010. At her 2 year check she weighed 25 pounds and was 34 inches tall. 25th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. She is talking so much now. For the longest time she was just saying one word sentences, then at around 18-20 months, she just started speaking in full sentences. Which is so her personality, she does what she wants, when she wants.
She is eating pretty good these days, still prefers fruits and veggies over anything else. Her favorite fruit would probably be canned peaches or grapes, and favorite veggies are peas and broccoli.
We started to potty train her a few months ago, which started out great, and then miss Hannah decided that wasn't going good for her, so we are giving her a few months to get more ready for that big step. Putting her back in diapers gave us more energy to focus on another issue, her getting out of bed. Daddy had a great idea to wait on the potty training and focus on the staying in bed issue. And after weeks and weeks of struggling with this, Hannah is now staying in her bed at night. She still wakes up around 1 and sneaks her way into our bed, which is fine with us, just as long as she goes to sleep in her own bed at bedtime. She and Gracie are both in their big girls beds in their new room and they love it! Their Teta and Gung Gung bought them awesome new big girl beds, and their room is just awesome!
Hannah, is just a joy to watch grow. My most favorite thing is to hear Hannah sing Jesus loves me, and to hear her pray which she just started doing this week. She prays before meals and bed, and now her and Gracie fight over who gets to pray first.
Hannah is the more outgoing of the 2. For example, When the Dr. came in the room to see Hannah for her check, Hannah right away says. " Hi, I'm Hannah. This is Gracie. That is Mama." It brought a tear to my eye, and a giggle, because I am just so proud of her.
She also is the more stubborn of the 2. When she wants something, there is nothing that can stop her. If Gracie has a toy she wants, she just rips it out of her hand and walks away. This is good because it is giving me many opportunities to teach Gracie to stick up for herself.
I could go on and on about Hannah, but I dont have the time. So here are some pics.
The Birthday Girl at Mommy and Me class.

Sitting on Miss Dawn's lap for a Birthday song.
At the movies to see Tangled. She loved it! She loves movies. It amazes me how she will sit for most of a movie in a theater. Gracie would have never done that at her age.
Opening presents

blowing our her birthday candles!
Happy Birthday Hannah! We thank God for you everyday!
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