On June 10th Miss Hannah turned 6 months old! At her Doctor's apt, she weighed 14 pounds 1 ounce, and was 25 3/4 inches tall. She is growing so well, a tad bigger than Gracie at that age, but still a petite little girl.
It was a busy month for her, she learned how to do so much. At the beginning of the month she started getting up on her hands and knees, sometimes her hands and feet to push herself forward. Then she mastered sitting up all by herself. In a matter of a week she figured out how to go from being on her tummy to sitting up. Then on 6/13 three days after turning 6 months, she started to crawl. This was just so crazy for me, I really could not believe my eyes. She just seems so young to be so mobile. I know I shouldn't compare them, but Gracie was close to 9 months when she finally started to crawl. They are just so different, which is so beautiful to see. Gracie was so calm, so content just sitting, watching, learning. Hannah, a little different to say the least. She is SO active, always moving, going, never sitting still, quite a handful at times. She hates taking the time to have her diaper changed, and getting dressed, she is always so squirmy.
This month we also started solid foods, which Hannah, isn't too fond of yet. I think its the textures. She wont really open her mouth for anything, I kinda have to shove it down her throat, and hope she doesn't spit it back out. She has tried carrots, banana's and sweet potatoes, and of course cereal, which is her least favorite. I am sure its just going to take some time. We will keep trying.
This month we also started solid foods, which Hannah, isn't too fond of yet. I think its the textures. She wont really open her mouth for anything, I kinda have to shove it down her throat, and hope she doesn't spit it back out. She has tried carrots, banana's and sweet potatoes, and of course cereal, which is her least favorite. I am sure its just going to take some time. We will keep trying.
At her 6 month check, the Dr. was amazed at her motor skills, of course, but wanting to keep an eye on her language development, mainly because she is not babbling yet. She squaks, squeals and screams, but no baba, dada, mama noises. At first I was a little worried, and then I had to remind myself that she is going to be fine, and that all babies are different. Maybe she is so focused on moving, she is waiting to talk, who knows.
Lastly, the rough part of this month was Hannah and her sleep issues. This girl DID NOT sleep most of the month. It has been really rough for me (hence the late blogging). We tried sleep training her, trying to let her learn to put her self to sleep, rather than rocking or nursing. We had alot of crying this month. (SO HARD) Anyway, long story short, she was sleeping better by the end of the month. Still not sleeping great but better. She is not a fan of napping for too long, but hopefully that will get better too. I think she is just going to be one of those people who don't need alot of sleep, not sure where she got that, because the rest of her family really enjoys sleeping. Anyway, I am hoping she will get better at sleeping.
It has been a busy month for Hannah. She is still just as sweet as ever. Her beautiful smile melts our hearts. I can't believe she is 6 months old, she is growing so fast. I wish I could slow time down and just hold her. It is true what they say, the second child grows faster than the first. I feel like she was just born, sleeping next to me in her bassinet, and now she is crawling, sitting, and eating, turing into a big girl.
Enjoy pics of sweet six month old Hannah.
Sitting pretty
Trying to figure out how to move
First bath together, they loved it!
Pretty in pink!
What a cutie pie! I can't beleive she is 6 mo either!! Growing so fast!! My babies are sleeping better too but still not great! But they are soon going to be 1 and I know sleep will soon be here (I HOPE :))! Kaleiah has been crawling for about 6 weeks and Kaden isn't yet! Everyone compares them but they are just two babies born at once! I laughed when yo said you have to sometimes shove it down her throat and hope she doesn't spit it back. Kaden is like that, he won;t open up half the time :) And Kaleiah get's good distance w/ her spitting, so I'm always covered. But they actually do love solids! You still nursing? My goal was 1 yr and I can;t beleive it's just 3 months away! I feel like I might go a little longer which is crazy considering the challenges I had in the beginning! I am anxious to be done so I can have my life back in a big way but I know I will also miss it a lot. It's an amazing bonding time isn't it?? We'll we really should all get together sometime soon! Along w/ Erin (and fam) and Courtney (and fam). What do you think??
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