Saturday, April 11, 2009

4 months

So this month Hannah turned 4 months old!! She has done so much within the last 2 months. At 10 weeks she started rolling over and scooting. YIKES! (Way too early if you ask me) She is just always moving and wiggiling. She is ALL smiles and giggles, not a serious bone in that girl's body. If you look at her, and give her a little attention, she is all yours, and will give you the BIGGEST smile. She is such a joy in my life. She absolutley loves her big sister. Graice is the only one that can make her crack up at any given moment. Gracie finds it funny to make Hannah laugh, and it is so cute to watch them interact with eachother. I feel sometimes they have their own language. Hannah had her 4 month Dr. visit and she is doing just great! She weighs 12lbs 4 ounces, and is 23.5 inches long. She is growing pretty much at the same pace as Gracie, except she is about an inch shorter. The Dr. says she looks like a 6 month old, because she is almost sitting up, following objects well, grasping objects with a purpose and so on. The Dr. diagnosed Hannah with excema on her back and legs. =( This puts her at risk for develping allergies later on, which is a bummer. I pray that she doesn't, I know how tough allergies can be. Otherwise Hannah is doing great.

We busted out Gracie's excersaucer for Hannah and she loves it. She just cant touch the bottom, which frustrates her, so I put a pillow under her, so she can stand. I think that wraps up Hannah's 4th month. She is so happy and healthy! Praise God! Enjoy the pics of our baby girl.

Exersaucer time!

Gracie making Hannah giggle. In their Cubs gear!
Mommy and Hannah cuddling

Smiley Hannah!

Daddy tickling Hannah.

My little cutie!

Hannah scooting! She started on the quilt! I was shocked when I saw this!