Hey everyone, just wanted show you all our new baby girl. She was born December 10th at 3:09 pm. Weighing 7lbs 1 ounce and measuring 19 1/4 inches long. Had a wonderful labor and delivery, thank you for all of your prayers. She is just beautiful and we never thought it was possible, but we think she might have more hair than Gracie did. Can't wait for all of you to meet her. Enjoy the pics of Hannah's Birth Day!
In between contractions..........Ouch!!
Happy camper with epidural, last belly pic just before Hannah was born
Just born!
Daddy cutting the cord.
Proud Auntie Robbie =)
Proud Uncle Chris
All clean after a bath.
Gracie meeting her new baby sister!
Holding both of my girls, the best feeling in the world!! 
And now a family of four, we can't believe it!!
Us with our wonderful Doctor! 
The best hair do. 
Going home.
Hannah in her swing at home.
So sweet!!
It's another mini YOU!!!
Congrats Sam, she's beautiful! You are amazing to be smiling during all that.
Enjoy your newest addition.Merry Christmas.
Congrats! I am so excited for you! Can't wait to see you at Treasured!
your family is so cute! I hope you are all adjusting well!
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