Tuesday, July 29, 2008

First Blog

Hello everyone!

Well Dan and I finally did it! We started a family blog. We have been wanting to do this ever since Gracie was born, and many of our friends have one. We always thought it would be a fun way to keep everyone updated on our chaotic but boring lives. We (I) currently have a myspace page, (yes, laugh it up) that we are trying to delete, wanting this to take that over. And since many of our family members don't have a myspace, blogging seemed like a logical idea. So here you go, whether you like it or not, you are going to be updated about every little thing going on in our lives. YAY! And the best part is that we can show you lots and lots of pics of our little Gracie.

So I encourage you to comment, let us know what you think, and also to make a blog yourself!!!

A couple things to keep in mind when reading...

1. I am a horrible speller, so please don't judge.=)

2. I am almost 6 months preggers, so my mind is fuzzy at times.

Also, Dan did say he was going to blog too. We shall see about that one....

What would Dan blog about....hmmm.....maybe how much he LOOOOVES the Cubs (when they win), or how much he HATES the Cubs (when they loose). Only time will tell. Either way, it should be entertaining. =)

Hope you all enjoy our blog. And I hope some of you start a blog page yourself so we can see what is new with you.

All our love, Dan, Sam and Gracie.


Anonymous said...

I guess I'll leave the first comment. Welcome to the wacky world of blogging. Have fun. Oh, and The Rookie is awfully cute.

Anonymous said...

Great photos guys! -Laurie

Anonymous said...

So glad to know the new rookie is another beautiful girl or as Dan said another apprentice ! The pictures at the fair are great and they reminded me of what a fun day it was .Thanks. The very proud Teta.