I can't believe it but little Hannah is 8 months old this month! This past month has been very busy for our little baby. We have really been enjoying the summer, going to the pool, beach, the fair and Disneyland. And Hannah is a trooper tagging along where ever we go.
The big news is that she is finally sleeping GREAT!! Through the night for 8-10 hours at a time. Praise the Lord! I really thought I would never sleep again, but I am finally feeling well rested (when I'm not working that is).
She is still VERY BUSY, always moving, getting into something, standing, climbing, squirming, just doesn't sit still at all. Which I think is wonderful! She is a handful, and tiring, but I just love seeing her personality starting to shine through.
Along with all this movement comes an appetite. And boy does she have one!! She will breastfeed 4-5 times a day and is eating 3 solid meals a day + snacks!!! I feel like this is so much, because Gracie was like 10 months before she ate 3 meals and even then they were light meals. Hannah will eat ANYTHING you put in front of her. The only thing she has disliked is the baby cereal, which tastes like cardboard anyway, so I just moved her on to oatmeal. I just give her some of mine in the morning, and she loves it. I am still pureeing food for her like carrots, sweet potatoes, corn, pees, and peaches, but she has a new found love for finger foods. She LOVES to feed herself. Even though she has no teeth, she mashes that food up so well. She loves cut up blueberries, watermelon, banana, avocado, green beans and pasta. Like I said, anything we put in front of her she will eat, and love. I hope this will stay with her as she gets older.
Also, Hannah finally started babbling, which is just the best to listen to. I am cherishing the house filled with baby noises, because I know it wont last long. She says dadada, gagaga, bababa, sings eeeeee and aaaaaaaa. I just love every noise out of her mouth, even her LOUD screams. Whenever she is in the bath tub, she just screams the entire time, she must like the echo.
I am trying to teach her to clap, and wave, and she's almost got it.
The most wonderful thing to watch is Gracie and Hannah grow as sisters. I didn't think it would happen so early, but they are so attached to each other, and really love each other. When ever they are separated, Gracie will ask, "where's Hannah?" or " I want Hannah." And they are already playing with each other. Hannah will follow Gracie around from room to room. Gracie will make Hannah smile and giggle all day long. They both are just a blessing to have, and I thank God for them, and I am just so beyond grateful that they are healthy, happy little girls. They are my world and such a joy. I love them to pieces!
The most wonderful thing to watch is Gracie and Hannah grow as sisters. I didn't think it would happen so early, but they are so attached to each other, and really love each other. When ever they are separated, Gracie will ask, "where's Hannah?" or " I want Hannah." And they are already playing with each other. Hannah will follow Gracie around from room to room. Gracie will make Hannah smile and giggle all day long. They both are just a blessing to have, and I thank God for them, and I am just so beyond grateful that they are healthy, happy little girls. They are my world and such a joy. I love them to pieces!
Enjoy the pics from this last month.
Silly face!

In her tiny pool at the beach that I thought would contain her and limit the sand intake.
Playing peek-a-boo with Uncle Chris.
Enjoying some of Mama's corn at the fair.
At Disneyland.
First ride on Dumbo!
Cuddling with Auntie Robin.
She's upset about something, but still so pretty.
The End.