38 weeks pregnant! 1cm dilated, 50%effaced. I feel like a ticking time bomb about to explode! The End
Saturday, November 29, 2008
38 weeks
Posted by Dan and Sam at 8:25 PM 1 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Our October and November
Well now that November is almost over, and that baby Lee #2 is about to make her appearance, I thought I better blog to catch you up what we've been up to. October just flew by starting with Gracie's 2nd Birthday. For her BDay we went to Riley's Farm. We picked strawberries, and apples. It was so fun. Gracie loved picking the fresh strawberries, but got a little scared of the the big orange tractor driving around.
Then on the 18th we had her birthday party, which was a huge success. We rented a bounce house, had all her friends and our friends and family there at a nearby park. I cant even explain how happy I was seeing her enjoying herself. She was in the bounce house the entire time and had a blast. I was so worried she was going to be clingy and shy because of all the people there, but with lots of prayer, she was totally fine and outgoing, and just so happy. I was so relieved. The day just went perfect.
Then we went to go meet Gracie's new baby cousin Connor who was born 9/28, and he is sooooooo cute, and Gracie was so good with him. She even held him and have him his binky.
And then..Halloween came. We went up to my Aunt and Uncle's house up in Toluca Lake and was that an experience. SOOOOO many kids I could not believe my eyes. The street was crazy! The houses were all totally decorated. Gracie was wonder woman, and had a blast. She loved trick or treating, and then got tired of that and then loved handing out the candy, and then loved eating the candy. I think that day ruined her for good because she wakes up every morning asking for candy. Oh well it was bound to happen at some point I guess. We had a really fun Halloween this year.
Ok, I think that's it, enjoy some pics from our fall.
Riley's Farm
Enjoying her birthday cupcake!
Since October was boiling hot, we went to the beach one last time.Gracie loves her new baby cousin Connor!
Yes, this is how my little princess wakes up in the morning. =)
Gracie and I at the Pumpkin Patch with our Mommy and Me class.
The night before Halloween getting use to the costume and singing some sing star with Mommy.
Halloween in Toluca Lake with Oma and Pop!
Wonder woman trick or treating. Check out that candy!!!
Potty training success!! Woo Hoo!!
Posted by Dan and Sam at 3:51 PM 0 comments