Saturday, August 30, 2008


Today Gracie actually had the courage to go out in the middle of the pool all by herself. She was floating and kicking all by herself. A big accoplishment for her....and us!! It's so nice to see her use what we teach her. It was soo cool to see. Enjoy!

The End

Thursday, August 7, 2008

4 Years!! August 7th 2008

It feels a little bit longer than 4 years, but wow does time fly. What a fun day that was!!! I wish I could wear that dress again. =( I wish I could get married again, Danny of course. It was just so fun and goes by so fast I want to do it again. I love you Danny, Happy Anniversary!! May God bless us with many, many, many more!!!

The End

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Too cute

This picture was so cute I had to blog it. This is Gracie and her Oma. She just loves her Oma!!!
And her Oma loves her!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

21 Week Ultrasound

Last week Dan and I went to have an ultrasound of the baby to look at the anatomy. It is really neat because they spend almost an hour looking at the baby from head to toe, making sure everything looks as it should. We got to see the baby's brain, heart, kidneys, spine (which is closed, and is a good thing), and cute little hands and feet. Not to mention the baby's adorable little face, that I think looks like Gracie. The heart is my favorite to look at because you can actually see all four chambers pumping, which is just so amazing to see. Also we could see the baby kicking and I could feel it at the same time, soooo cool!!! Everything looked great, and the baby is measuring right to size, 21 weeks and 2 days, the exact day I was when I had the ultrasound. The baby also weighs approx. 14 ounces. So here are some pics of our new little baby. =)

Doesn't this foot look big???

Waving to us!

The baby was trying to get it's finger in it's mouth.....or maybe just thinking.

Ok so as you all know we were surprised with the gender of Gracie until she was born, which was THE best surprise I will ever have, and I swore I would always do that, and I always tell other people to do that. Well, never say always, because I cracked! I wanted to find out with this one, which was a last minute decision. I am not sure why I wanted to know, maybe because I am so sick of green and yellow I could just vomit, or maybe I just wanted to buy some thing pink or blue. Anyway, we found out and we are just thrilled!
So what do you think?

Here's the pic to prove it........
That's right it's another baby girl!!!! NO wee wee anywhere in there. We are so happy Gracie is going to be getting a little sister. I can only pray they are close. I know how sister's can be, I love you Robin!!
We are so excited!!! If there is any words of wisdom from mothers of girls, we are open.
By the way the first thing out of Dan's mouth when we found out was,
"Another wedding to pay for."
Hope you enjoyed!!
The End